Business leaders and software engineers will always to see the world differently from each other, get frustrated and talk at crossed-purposes. Software development is expensive so get real, be honest, and make good choices.

Our Approach

Our aim is get software teams to build tech within the constraints of the real world and to get business leaders to avoid reckless, risky and damaging decisions and promises that make a dollar today, and then pay for ever after.

In developing tech solutions there are quite literally an infinite number of choices: coding languages, architectural approach, design patterns, server and database technologies, logical data design, performance, testing strategies, devops processes and so on. Worse still, few outside the dev team can hold a conversation (or much interest) about these things. But small choices can have big ramifications and be critical to long term success or failure.

We believe dev teams excel at finding the ‘best’ (technically speaking) solutions and approaches to solve problems but frequently need external challenge or conscience to consider all the options, to root their ideas in the real world, to accept time and money as constraints and know when to make the right short versus long term recommendations and decisions.

There is no ‘right decision’ but that which will be the ‘most winning’ choice.

I need to be agile...
because I do all my own stunts.
— Luke Goss

What We DO

  • How to be agile (the opposite of method and process!)

  • Tech architecture decisions

  • Design patterns

  • Technology evaluation and selection

  • Development outsourcing

  • Roughly-right estimating

  • Data architecture

  • API strategy

  • DevOps strategy

  • Testing approaches

  • Total Quality Management

  • Product scaling